About Me, Paige

Hi! You might be here because you like my content on instagram, or tiktok, or maybe you are one of my very breast friends. Maybe you stumbled here because of some unknown algorithm and you are very confused. Whatever the reason, I'm happy you are here. Let me tell you a little about me. I'm a multidisciplinary artist just trying to continue to make work in these challenging times. I'm interested in creating content that makes people laugh, question themselves and their surroundings, and inspires creativity, even if it's just for a few minutes a day. My clothing designs reflect my performance aesthetics, always embracing sublime absurdity. My work often contains themes of whimsy, empowerment, presence, humor, color, disorientation, and joy. I make work to connect with myself and with other humans like YOU, in hopes we can engage in a conversation, however big or small. Thanks for being here! 


Paige The Influencer/actress/poet/drag queen/life coach.

A person with their breasts painted like eyes appears with their arms over their head, covered with a black piece of material. A bodysuit that places arms on the persons hips helps to create an illusion of a comical creature that we recognize but not.

Invite Being Seen.

I get it. Not everyone wants to be looked at. But the reality is, for those of us blessed with eyesight, it's how we take in information. My mission is to empower people with art and fashion in a playfully confrontational way, in a way that engages with curiosity, intention and respect. Rather than feel like we must make ourselves smaller, how can we live in our bodies with power and presence?